Everything in Osteopathy is true
—James Jealous
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease
—Thomas Edison
Harmony only dwells where obstructions do not exist
—A.T. Still
The breath of life in the cerebrospinal fluid Tide is the fundamental principal in the primary respiratory mechanism. ~ W.G Sutherland
Along in 1874, after years of independent thinking, there came to Dr. Still the concept of Osteopathy ~ Dr. Asa Willard in the Cranial Bowl
What is harmony but Health? It takes harmony of every nerve, vein and artery in every part of the body. ~ A.T. Still
All diseases are mere effects, the cause being a partial or complete failure of the nerves to properly conduct the fluids of life. ~ A.T. Still
The hearing of spirit is not limited… the whole being listens. There is a direct grasp of what is right before you, that can never be heard with the ear, or understood with the mind. ~ Thomas Merton
The fundamental principle advocated in cranial technique, viz: allowing the physiological function within to manifest its unerring potency, rather than the application of blind force from without. William G. Sutherland, D.O.
Here you lay aside the long words, and use your mind in deep and silent earnestness; drink deep from the eternal fountain of reason, penetrate the forests of that law whose beauties are life and death. ~ A.T. Still
Do not try to force anything within the cranial mechanism. ~A.T. Still
It is as if the whole body, functioning as a unit, is responding to a force similar to that moving the tides of the ocean. ~ Rollin Becker
Spirit in osteopathy turns out to be scientific, practical, and very useful in a medical medel that Osteopathic Physicianscan readily abide by. ~ From interface; Mechanisms of Spirit in Osteopathy by A.T. Still
And I have felt a presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused, whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, and the round ocean, and the living air. ~ William Wordsworth
It is the stillness of the Tide, not the stormy waves that bounce upon the shore that is the potency, the power. ~ W.G Sutherland
Normal doesn’t simply mean a readjustment of the bones to normal position. ~ A.T. Stills
Freedom is experienced in the infinite number of pauses. ~Rollo May
It is the stillness of the tide not the stormy waves that bounce upon the shore that is the potency, the power. ~ W.G. Sutherland
I believe that all the remedies necessary to health are within the human body. ~ A.T. Stills
Man should study and use the drugs compounded in his own body. ~A.T. Stills
The greatest mistake in the treatment of disease is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated. ~ Plato