Contact Us
The office of Dr. Weiss is a traditional osteopathic medicine clinic, offering ease and comfort to all patients, of any age, race, gender or culture, with both acute and chronic illness.
Dr. Weiss is taking new patients for online sessions. If you are interested in becoming a new patient please fill out the registration form here.
Dr. Weiss is also seeing a limited number of patients in person for osteopathic treatments. If you are an existing patient please email Dr. Weiss directly or you can self-schedule through the patient portal by visiting the “my appointments” tab. Existing patient appointments will be prioritized.
If you are interested in primarily hands on treatments and are a not yet a patient, please email Dr. Weiss. to be placed on the waiting list.
You can also reach out with questions to Dr. Weiss.
We are in the office on a limited basis and will return phone calls once weekly.
phone (707) 829-9788
fax (707) 237-7552
About the Clinic
Patients with diagnoses, patients whose illness defies medical diagnostic tests, and patients who prefer alternative care can find a home in our office.
Functional and Osteopathic Medicine are unique in that they are working with the body systems that are critical for maintaining health. Rather than treating or suppressing symptoms, both of these methods of healing offer deeper sustainable wellness by targeting underlying imbalances in the neuro-endocrine and immune systems.
Because osteopathic treatments work with the autonomic, endocrine and immune systems, as well as the viscera and the musculoskeletal system, there is almost no limit to what and who we work with. Some conditions, of course, are more likely to be cured completely, while in other situations, rather than being cured, patients may find treatments give them a sense of ease and a capacity to enjoy life more fully despite their illness.
If you are already a patient you may be interested in finding resources here that your doctor has recommended, including:
Inclusion Statements
- Offering traditional hands on osteopathic treatments and health care to people of all ages, without discrimination against race, gender, politics, religion, age, or income.
- I recognize that a fee for service practice limits access based on structural and institutionalized discrimination and restrictions. I continue to seek ways to shift this inequity while preserving my business model. My model is based on a personal decision to never allow insurance companies to dictate treatment and management choices. There is simply no way to avoid this and accept insurance. Therefore, while I do not have an adequate solution to our societal problems of discrimination, and health care inequities I will strive to increase my own understanding of the issues and possibilities for improvement in these critical areas.
- Dr. Weiss does not take any insurance and will not bill any insurance. This includes medicare, workers comp and PPOs. You will be offered a bill you can send to your insurer if they are a PPO network.
- HSA accounts also generally reimburse for our services. We are happy to provide end of year documentation for tax purposes as well.